The Financial Crisis Show – Art as a Derivative (2011 – 2013)

In this first Art as a Derivative series of paintings, I explored the origins and twists and turns of the financial crisis that was unleashed on the world in 2008/09. Each of the 14 paintings that comprised this first series dealt with a specific aspect of the crisis and was made up of hundreds of words of verbatim commentary originating in news reports, financial analysis and panel discussions which I read or listened to and noted down. Selecting the most telling opinions and then molding these different views and perspectives together into a flowing narrative was a key element of the project. This process became key to all subsequent Art as a Derivative series.

Subprime… Bailouts… Ratings Agencies…. The Business Model…

The City of London…. Wall Street…. MF Global…. Regulation…. Derivatives…

High Frequency Trading…. Bad Loans…. Precious Metals… The Federal Reserve….Fiscal Criminality