Bible Paintings (1994-1996)

Soon after becoming a painter I began to create series of themed paintings. One of my first such group of works – Bible Paintings – explored the psychological intensity of these epic tales of family life. It was exhibited in solo shows at Galerie Hilt Basle, Switzerland (1996) and at DFN Gallery, Broadway, New York (1997).

The Duping of the Shechemites, oil on canvas, 50cm x 60cm
Jael and Sisera, watercolour, ink, gouache on paper, 30cm x 41cm

The Story of the Ancient Lovers (1997-1999)

In The Story of the Ancient Lovers (a reference to La chanson des vieux amants by Jacques Brel), I imagined couples lying on a bed in a date-specific time and specific location. The series brought my fascination with history into my art practice. The series was exhibited at The Belgrave Gallery, London, in 1999.

The Coffin Maker and His Wife, Albi, 1854, oil on canvas, 92cm x 92cm
Couple, Leningrad, 1924, oil on canvas, 122cm x 132cm

The Village Series (2001-2004)

The Village Series was painted in a studio I rented in south-west France. Living in a tiny village in south-west France for three years I focused on depicting imagined village settlements. This series became a solo show at The Belgrave Gallery, London, in 2004.

Diebenkorn, oil on canvas, 77cm x 77cm
The Lost Domain, oil on canvas, 112cm x 112cm

Devils and Flowers (2005-2007)

Devils and Flowers juxtaposed images of devils derived from and influenced by Renaissance art with imagined flora and became a solo exhibit at the John Bloxham Gallery, London, in 2007.

The Revelation Series (2009-2010)

The Book of Revelations has long been referenced in literature and cinema and remains an enigmatic tract to this day. In The Revelation Series, I chose some thirty verses and made a painting featuring each verse employing some of the floral motifs of my Devils and Flowers series.

And I Saw and Behold, spray paint on board, 60cm x 60cm
And Upon Her Forehead, spray paint on board, 60cm x 60cm
Nevertheless, I Have Somewhat, spray paint on board, 60cm x 60cm

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